FAT church....FAT Christians

I was reading this from Joyce Meyer devotional today and wanted to share it..

If you are born again, you hopefully know that Jesus lives on the inside of you through the power of the Holy Spirit. The question is, is God comfortable in you? Does He feel at home within you? Even though the Spirit of God lives within you, other things live in you, too - such as fear, anger, jealousy, or murmuring and complaining.

God once gave me an illustration of what it is like for Him to live in a heart where murmuring, complaining, and discord reside. Suppose you go to a friend's house and your friend says, "Oh, come on in. I'll get you a cup of coffee. Get comfortable and make yourself at home." Then, your friend begins yelling at her husband and the two of them rant and rave and carry on right in front of you. How comfortable would you be in the presence of such strife?

If we want to be a comfortable "home" for the Spirit of the Lord, we must give up things that cause us to forget about His presence or are offensive to Him. We must stop grumbling, allowing strife and unrest inside us, or harboring unforgiveness. Instead, we need to make sure our inner lives are engaged in things that please and honor God's presence. Our mouths should be full of praise and thanksgiving. We should wake up every day and say in our hearts, "Good morning, Lord. I want You to feel at home and be comfortable in me today."

We all need to take inventory of what goes in our hearts because they are the dwelling place of God. When we examine our inner lives, we are looking at holy ground where God has chosen to make His home. Let's commit to making Him comfortable in us.

God's word for you today: Make sure you are a comfortable home for the Spirit of the Lord.


you know I am well aware that from a persons mouth flows what is in his heart.

the other day a young christian sat in my office, sharing life and talking about where things are at..and a few times the "f" word escaped his lips.... and I stopped him and said that this wasnt acceptable in my office, but it told me, that what was in his heart was not holy yet. and there lay the root of the problem.

we need to turn to Jesus, allow Him to touch and fill our inner heart...to redeem the secret places as well as the public and visible places in us.

we are going through a very intriguing time in our church, God is here, but I sense some pruning is coming, some urgent pruning...its needed, we are not growing and we are approaching a dangerouse era in normal church life cycles, that if the pruning doesn't come now, we will stop growing all together and start shrivelling. But if the pruning happens then next year we will be budding everywhere.

we need pruning in our hearts, especially if we have a negative spirit, it must go, so that in our heart it is united and pure and heading towards holiness, and then..... and then......and then.....flowing from our heart will be beautiful words of grace.... no more "f " words.... but "L" words...(L=Love)

how do you know if your heart is divided ?

a self test...

do you speak ill behind another persons back ?
do you sow divisive thoughts and ideas ?
would you say what you are saying if Jesus was there in the flesh ?
does what come out of your mouth, truly honour Jesus ?

well, these are big days for me, for our church and I know that something huge is about to crack open and needs to,
people will drop away as this happens, because some people just want to stay with a grumbling and disruptive heart, and when that flows from their lips, it damages churches and other people.

and I have asked God to remove that influence from us, so we may grow holy and large and fat as a church.

Fat in people is seen as unhealthy....

but I am praying for a FAT church....large,
Fat in Faith,
Fat in boldness,
Fat in holiness,
Fat in influence,
Fat in prayer and holiness.

F = Faithful
A = Adoring the Father
T = Testifying to/about God

whats in your heart today ? well if you are not sure, just check what is flowing through your lips, even in the secret places... and if you find yourself back stabbing, dividing, disloyal, argumentative, critical...then go the Father and have some heart surgery.

today, the pruning begins.....

God, bring it on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hi Gary,

    Thanks for a timely reminder. This is certainly a word in season. May God continue to bless you abundantly as you remain faithful to Him.

  2. Bless you Gary. Awesome post mate.


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