People are not possessions.

I got to thinking today that we have nasty habit in our humanity, that being of treating others like we own them or something.

We demonstrate this by the way we treat others.

Giving them the flick, or abandoning them, or abusing them, or worse still.... destroying their lives.

Now before you get defensive.....we have all been guilty of it at some stage or the other, but it doesn't make it right and we are indignant if it is done to us, but yet I still see it everywhere.

This was reinforced to me today as I pondered some home truths about human trafficking.

I am going to tell you some home truths about what actually happens in some parts of the world.

Young girls are "obtained", men have their way with them so much that these young girls lose their self worth and are totally broken, and then used as prostitutes, with no self worth or even benefit for the work they do. If one of them should become pregnant, the baby is born and then sold to local pedophiles. The mother returns to prostitution and once past her usefluness is killed, and her body parts sold for her internal organs to others on the black market.

Horrific isnt it ? Terrible, just makes you feel sick.

This world is, at times, and in some places, a very sick place.

I wasnt going to share this, but feel compelled to...for whilst we dont have that stuff happening in our land,that we are aware of, we see all kinds of other abuses which are bad and wrong also.

People treat others in our land as second class citizens, thinking that some how that they are better than the other.

Even in very simple and subtle ways we treat others around us with disdain and in a careless and selfish way...we leave them uncared for, unthought of, unprovided for.....dont think much about the other persons feelings and needs, and much of society today only cares about themselves. Very Sad. it Makes me Mad.

With this and many of the other very hot potatoes flooding society today, Satan is at work destroying the very moral fibre of society and planting a lie in the minds of people, making them believe that its ok to sin and go against Gods holy ways.

I can see the end fast approaching. this world needs the saviour. and thankfully one day He will come back again.

But understand biblical truth, the world is going to go a long way donw before that happens.

in the meantime I pray and hope that we...YOU and ME, will do our best to care for others. not hurt them, not abuse them or use them or abandon them or reject them or ridicule them or mistreat them or harm them or think about ourselves only.

peopel have feelings.

you do...I do.... we all do.

we should always love the sinner and hate the sin.

I dont think for one moment that we should condone sin, and agree to lifestyles outside of the biblical pattern for living. but we dont have to destroy people in that process.

in our marriages, and relationships, our work partnerships, our friendships and school mates...we should love and care for one another and consider the biblical truth that seeks to place others above ourselves, with their needs being considered, and not just our own.

it doesnt mean being a doormat for everyone else to walk over you.

but it may mean being a little more caring and compassionate and aware of those around us and how we are treating them. they are not something we own that we should just drop them and say we dont want them anymore. life isnt meant to be like that.

and...a few more of us could stand up for injustice in this world and try to rescue some people who are perishing and being treated like animals.

God created us all equal...why should some young girls be treated like dirt ?
and the rest of us turn a blind eye to it ?

at least ...pray.
at least... look out for one another.
at least... increase our care and concern for one another.
at least... treat each other unselfishly.
at least... try.

I pray we see change in our time that honours the Lord Jesus Christ.


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