The Heart of the Matter.

Have you ever noticed or thought about how many times God speaks about our heart  in His Word ?

Today I had a revelation which I am going to share on my blog, and expand slightly in Sundays message this weekend, at S3064.

I opened up my smaller concordance today to see how many times the word heart is mentioned and where, maybe you should take a look at your own concordance and see for yourself..

but hundreds of times, if not thousands ...

so much is said about our heart ....

Take..Hebrews 4:12.. that our heart has attitudes and thoughts.
1Corinthians 14:25, that the secrets of our heart will be laid bare.

Well the truth is I cant blog every scripture reference, but they all speak about the nature and character of what is going on, on the inside of our being and God sees it all.

Here's a few things I got to thinking about earlier today....

A heart issue.... everything has a heart issue, for people our heart is the foundation pump of our being physically, but it is also spiritually, for whatever is going on in our heart, determines what we will do with our hands and our feet and mouth and everything else.

A heart attack... if our physical heart has an attack we are in serious trouble, but our spiritual heart also gets attacked, and that also  gets us into serious trouble at times. God says guard your heart.

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it
Proverbs 4:23

Heart surgery... can help correct our physical heart issues, and spiritually its exactly the same, God can give us heart surgery and it will help us correct and remove the corruption that sometimes creeps in. But it has going to have to be initiated by you.             

heart... the foundation of our faith, what is going on in our heart, is actually what is really going on..

if we have a divided heart, we will live a compromised life.

at the heart is the root of all...productivity, laziness, sexual drive, hope, lack of hope, love or hate....good or evil,

I am surprised at times what I hear people say, and what I see people do, especially when they confess to be Christians.

But then as soon as I start trying to point a finger I am rebuked and reminded that once I too, did that, and we are all on a journey that is hard, and requires effort... but it doesn't change anything about the truth, whatever is in your heart, is what is really going on for us each.

I guess the revelation for me (well I think I knew it already anyway and you will too) is that if we have physical habits, problems, and addictions and stresses and pain................. if we have fears and failures and never seem to be able to get above things...on top of them, then we need to go to the foundation and have a look at that and see what is in the heart.

From time to time you come across a person or two who struggle with sexual sin  and temptation. 
We all know the saying and its true...   the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

our flesh will always be weakened if our heart is also weak.

we will never beat our habits of the flesh, if our heart is not set on Jesus Christ.
if our heart is not set on Jesus Christ, then simply stated, it must be set on something or someone else.... and that will win every single time.

we need to wash our hearts clean,  ask God to do that in you.
and revive and freshen them,
and put a revolution and resolution in them....

out of our heart flows the truth...

I guess the question is,

What is your truth ?

and that's a matter of the heart.


if you feel like you never seem to be able to win.
if you feel like you cant make up your mind about something or the other.
if it seems as though everyone else seems to get up and on, but you can't.

go and do a heart check up.

for whatever is in there,

whether it be, corruption, lies, sexual urges, discontentment, despair,  or
purity, holiness, boldness, courage, peace, faith, love, hope.....

out of your heart condition will flow the truth.

may our song flowing from "our" heart truly be....

Change my heart oh God
Make it ever true 
Change my heart oh God
May I be like You 

Change my heart oh God
Make it ever true 
Change my heart oh God
May I be like You 

You are the potter
I am the clay
Mold me and make me 
This is what I pray 

Change my heart oh God
Make it ever true 
Change my heart oh God
May I be like You.
(Eddie Espinosa) 


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