
it hasnt affected me so greatly so far, as an Officer, but no doubt it will soon enough... but change is part of life the Salvo Officer.

I have been thinking of it a lot at the moment in regards to my own personal ministry future, but also our church ministry and how things are presently.

Churches and Christians get stuck into ruts, when they start thinking stuff like,

"we have always done it this way so why change anything".

truth is, if things are working well, then maybe nothing has to change at all.

It's when things get stuck, you stop growing and start diminishing, that if change isnt implemented then you will die, the church will die, the group, the team, the business, your own personal spiritual life.

A great friend of mine, Pastor Shane Baxter quoted the other day, saying.." without change, nothing changes' and it's such a great truth.

it's not about change for changes sake... but rather change, tweak so that things improve.

John Maxwell says, if you keep doing what you have always done, you will keep getting what you already have....

if things are great then keep doing it...and you will keep getting great results.

but if the results are not there and things are going backwards.... if negative influences are ruling the roost, then things have to change and they MUST change quickly.

People avoid change, try to ignore the need for it, walk away from it for lots of variety of reasons, however, there is always a deep rooted heart issue involved that leads a person away from being changed or pruned by God.

John 15, speaks about a pruning process done by the master Gardener, so that our Vine may be more fruitful.

Pruning means cutting back.
Pruning means hacking at what appears to be ok.
Pruning means change.
Pruning means ..preparing for next years/seasons growth.

in a few days Julie will hack at our rose garden because the standard gardening rule Prune in June.

so that in a few months time our roses will bud and produce beautful flowers, and they do every year.

Believe me, Julie prunes so aggresively that there is very little left of the rose bush, but as the months come they always bud, and they produce better results every single year.

but if we dont prune the rose bush, it will get hard and start to die...and will fail to produce its fruit/flower.

our lives are the same...

we need to prune, change...the current condiiton so that we can be even more fruitful in the coming season.

and resistance to the pruning and change process will mean a hardening of our hearts and a fruitless life.

as Christ followers, we need to embrace Change, we need to embrace Gods pruning process in our lives, and then we will produce a beautiful fruitful harvest.

as we go through a change process in our church over the next few weeks and months, it is done so we will grow and be fruitful...

in your life, allow God to change things up, allow Him to prune your life...

Change the things you can change, and allow Him to do what only He can do in you, but make sure you do what He has asked you to do in the process as well.

may He bless your life today.


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