My heart is good...

Today I had a stress echo...stress test. Pressure is placed on your body as you walk on a treadmill to see how your heart performs.

An ultrasound is done of your heart before you get on the treadmill, and then measured against another ultrasound done straight after the treadmill experience.

And the report is... All ok. I have a good heart.

you may be wondering why this had to happen (or you may not) - recently My GP found a tiny scar on my Heart after doing an ECG, and so I was referred onto the heart doctor to just get it checked to make sure.

Whilst I didn't do that wonderfully well on that treadmill, it was very re-assuring to find out that my heart is ok and that this 52 year old body of mine will make it for a few more years yet.

It got me thinking though, that its wonderful that the Doctor said my heart is good, but how much better if The Lord says my heart is good.

Whilst I think it is absolutely key that your body's pump is doing its job, I think its even more important that inside that heart of ours, that spiritually our heart is good, healthy and doing its spiritual job also.

I want to be known as a man of God, with a heart after the things of God.

I want that heart ruling my every move.

There are times when my heart just aches, not physically, but spiritually.... it aches for the things of God and the ways in which I, and many others around me, fall short of the Best that God has for us each.

Heart ache is caused by stress of the circumstances around you.

If your physical heart is under stress, it can cause a heart attack and potential death.

spiritually, a heart attack should cause us to drop to our knees in prayer, spiritual heart stress often leads us to draw closer to our Lord and to seek after His answers to the questions of life that seem so disturbing at times.

so...YEP, I have a healthy heart and an unfit body.

that's the next goal, tighten this body up, get it fit, lose a few more kilo's,

get in shape, for the times ahead look daunting.

But OH, that my Lord and Saviour will say of me one day...Gary has a good heart.


P.S. and by the way, how much better it is when we find ourselves on our knees in prayer, even when there is no heart ache to drive us there. Just a thought !!!!!


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