My New Routine ...

I don't think I am fat, but I feel the need to adjust my lifestyle and eating habits and exercise routines.

This is all a bit personal, really, but I am a transparent leader, so I usually allow things about me to be in the open, when I can.

Recently I have weighed 76. 5kgs, and over the past 3 weeks after having started the change, have now dropped down to 74.1kgs.

here's whats happening ( a bit of a follow on to the heart doctor visit)...................

changed eating habits... no more sweet things (at least for a while), no more junk food,  ( for a while)
and I started the Gym for the first time today.

I have been walking everyday with Mel, my daughter, for  around a month or so now, 4.5kms most days, and the goal is to crank that up in speed and time.

The Goal ?

is to lose another 4.1kgs.  Hopefully by December 2012, and then keep it off.

why ? to feel healthier, and ensure that my body is a clean and a healthy temple for God to be able to use, for a long time to come.

I am tired of feeling sluggish...

But wait there's more....

No one will ever really  remember how I started.... as an Officer.

Some may remember, but mostly I am the only one who really knows how I started out this Officer journey  thing. 

What I want people to see, and for myself to be.....

is to finish my race well.  To be remembered for what I did at the end.  How I ended up.

After all that's when the real race actually just begins.

I have set some personal health goals...

I have also set some personal spiritual goals... one of them is to finish well.

I don't want to be physically or spiritually sluggish.

I believe strongly that many people become sluggish physically and spiritually, as a result of one of 2 things. Firstly they have become lazy, apathetic or undisciplined in their approach to their physical condition and or even spiritual condition. OR  Secondly they just simply don't care about the health of either their body or their spirit, and as such neglect both or either.

I am not becoming a fitness freak, but I have just decided that enough is enough, of the sluggishness and I reject it physically AND spiritually and I believe the two are very closely connected.

I am not going to impose my new routine on any one else, it is for me...

I am not going to deliberately  make others feel guilty about their choices either...

Its just that I have made a choice, and I am starting to feel the benefits of it already, and it's good.


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