It feels like I have been here a lot longer than one week. In fact the ICO only started on Wednesday last week, so its not even yet a week... but in that (almost)week, I have made some friends, that it feels like I have known for a very long time.

The truth is, there is a very strong bond that ties us together, we are all like minded, having similar interests and most certainly the key thing... is our love for Jesus. There are 33 of us plus 2 translators and staff, we come from all around the world. None of us asked to come, we were sent.We all recognise our privilege. We all are humbled by our opportunity.


Yesterdays Worship service and then combined prayer meeting at night was indeed very special. Worshipping alongside Officers from all around the world in single minded purpose, but with multiple languages, and then witnessing and sharing in a deep time of recommitment and prayer was just out of this world. It was so very special to me.

So, the experience continues. I have set for myself some goals to re-establish a few things in my life, and I am on track... Books (reading) are being finished, and I am learning heaps. My other goals are also on track.

I love it that God is at work in my heart, speaking directly into my spirit ( no doubt He is for others also) and I am being sharpened. I sense Him - Very close.

This morning in our worship, some of my favourite Australian worship songs were used, and it was just so good.

I love it that God never let's you go, and even if you let Him go, or allow yourself to be diminished or defeated, or distracted by the circumstances of your own life, He just keeps wooing you back.

One thing I have learned about myself, is that over the past years there has been a diminishing, I have been defeated in some ways... there has been some distraction.... I have been hurt, I have allowed some things to get under my skin, and I can truthfully say...that my journey back is in full swing.

As is said in my first ICO blog, I have a long way to go.

We all do.

Everyone on the earth is on this journey, and one day we will see Him face to face, and oh what a day that will be.

I think its real important to remember that we are all on this journey, lest we start filling our hearts with pride thinking we are better than someone or everyone else.

The key, eye's wide open, heart wide open, ears wide open, focussed on Jesus.

He is my goal.



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