ICO 4.... (what a day, today turned out to be)

( yes I know I am blogging a lot, but there is a lot happening in me... everyday something new)

This morning we split up into 3 groups and went to worship at 3 different corps/churches around London, our group went to a very small corps near Heathrow airport, and whilst it was very small... we were blessed in many ways by the sincerity and authenticity of worship in that place. Actually I loved it. Uncomplicated, Innocent, Simple and Plain..... ( just 27 people present including 9 of us from ICO)


This afternoon at ICO we gathered together with General John Larsson and Commissioner Freda Larsson, and we were ministered to by them and God the Holy Spirit.

For me it was incredibly special for many of these songs written by General John Gowans and General John Larsson, have helped shape me over the years in my spiritual life and calling.

We sang songs today that were written by these Army greats, and I was once again touched by God in very deep ways, ways I cannot really adequately explain here.
Alongside my new friends, we worshipped together, singing "They Shall come from the east they shall come from the west and sit down in the Kingdom of God" and thats what we were in fact doing.
30 something countries.

I dont think I expect everyone who reads my blog to understand, but as a young guy growing up in Perth W.A and being a part of much of this music in my formative years, it reminded me again so hugely of my Call into Officership, it was truly very hard to sing some of these songs today. (without tears that is...)

Songs such as:

" Burning Burning", "For the mighty moving of the Spirit", "Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb", "Then how much more",

and I will state two other songs for they are very special to me and for those I love dearly around me ...its a prayer for you today... ( seriously, to those I hold dear, and you know who you are... this blog has been posted really for your benefit and my love for you, such deep love, impossible to describe and explain, my love for you causes me to tear up, every time I think of you)


I have been touched the Holy Spirit today...

take a listen here...


and then this song...

" Someone Cares "

Do you sometimes feel that no one truly knows you, and that no one understands or really cares ? Through His people, God Himself is close beside you, and through them He plans to answer all your prayers.

Chorus: Someone cares, someone cares, Someone knows your deepest need, your burden shares, Someone cares, Someone cares, God Himself will hear the whisper of your prayers

Ours is not a distant God, remote unfeeling, Who is careless of our loneliness and pain, Through the ministry of men he gives His healing, in their dedicated hands brings hope again.

As I sang these songs today, written and produced by the man that wrote the tunes for these songs, I was rushed back to memories .... of countless times of worship in my home church of Perth Fortress where as we played and sang these songs, often I found myself at the mercy seat in dedication, confession and repentance. Remembering these times caused me to reflect greatly on my present day heart condition and just how I am going with the dedication of my life for His service.

You know just before I came away to ICO someone made a comment on my Facebook page that ICO was a waste of time and money. I was sad to read that comment, and I can truthfully say, this is no waste of time or money, for my life is being redeemed all over again, as I know it is for all the delegates in this session 224.

Thankyou Jesus ... for never being distant to me, for always hearing my prayers, and for caring deeply for me and my family ....and never failing in that ever.


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