ICO 5 - Something is up !!!!

I cant help but wonder, what is next in my life. I sense something, but am unsure exactly what. I am unsure whether its a new call, a revived one, or that God is laying before me the possibilities of His (new) plans for my life. But something is happening deeply inside me.

I am not alone, other delegates are also expressing similar thoughts.

It's obscure I know... and I can't actually articulate it, very well...but something is going on, something is up in my spirit.

I am excited by what I feel, please remember this blog is just an opportunity for me to get my thoughts out and feelings out in some kind of blog-o-sphere, so that I can vent for myself... and not think too deeply about what is going on in my world. ( which mind you there is a fair bit right now)

Let me try and express it...

It started yesterday when we were discussing world evangelization and where the Army is and isnt in the world, and where it could be started.

Today it continued with Servant Leadership discussions ..... and seeing an awesome man of God speak truth with humility and power, without arrogance of position. With authority and strength yet without communicating that he was supposedly better than the rest of us.

One of my key goals for ICO was to reclaim my calling, to re establish who I am in Christ and what He called me to be and do, and I have been taken back in my spirit to when the call first came and I have already re -established it, owned it again, and its really good.

The passion and purpose for which I am called (and was called) has also been re-established and revived and I am feeling a whole pile of blessings and new resolutions in my heart.


I have made some amazing friends here, and as we share together our thoughts and fears as well as our hurts and tears, it has been a healing time for us.

The ICO experience has been a gift into my soul, I will never be the same again.


I did not ask to come to ICO, I was sent, and truthfully didnt really want to come, but how wrong was I.

God is having His way in my life and I welcome it and surrender my life to Him again in that.

I am feeling peace I havent felt in years.

I am awake to what God is saying.

I am believing for miracles.

I am sensing that something large ( larger than me) looms on the horizon of my journey.

I am also aware of my shortcomings, and failures and weakness, and in it and through it, I am being made strong once again.

I am aware of the distractions and attempts of the enemy upon this new found awakening, and know he is trying to destroy my faith and belief and hope. I will not allow that to happen.

* (thankyou Melissa for reminding me of that)

Something is up...Yep..and its good.

I Cant wait to see it " all " become visible in my life and ministry.




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