Do you remember the thrill ......"That Day"

Yesterday when preaching at Pakenham Salvos I was reminded of the absolute certainty of my calling.

It was a Sunday afternoon I think... the venue was Perth Modern School and I was sitting with Jules, my fairly new wife in those days... (we have been married 39 years this year)

Eva Burrows was the preacher, she was the TC back then.... and I heard God call my name....

I felt like I must have run to the altar that day to say Yes to God for His call upon my life into ministry...  it was a very long time ago, I am thinking around ...
most likely 36 years ago... or close to that.

God changed my life forever that day... and the days leading up to "that day".

Its a pretty long story, so I wont bore you with all the details, but my heart rate quickened, my mind raced....and I remember sweating heavily as I attempted to say Yes to My God that day. 

Do you remember when you first heard God call your name ?  

Did you run to Him or did you run away from Him ?

Did it change your life like it did mine ?  

For me... when that happened,   My habits changed...  my desires changed, my life choices changed, and future planning for my life changed.

I was 6 months out from obtaining my licence to practice as a Customs Agent...and all of that didn't matter anymore to me. 

I just wanted to serve and please God, which affected Julie in a huge way also, as she didn't want to go to Officership at that stage. 

In fact I waited 8 years for Jules to come to that point, and in the meantime I became a Youth Pastor at my church...Perth Fortress.

Amazing times in my life....I have never been the same since then.

Some folks I have met along the way in the past 30 something years of ministry have also run to the Father and their lives were changed as well.  AND of course there have been stacks who have also run away from the Father, and I reckon their lives have also been changed in some pretty significant ways.

There is no mistaking Gods call , when He speaks your name...
butterflies in your belly start a rumbling,  your mind races, fears and doubts creep in, you worry about what those around you will think of you... 

but deep within your being, you know...that a response is required and when you get up out of your seat and stand and "run" to the Father, He awaits you and the most amazing peace floods your spirit and soul when the answer to HIM is Yes Lord Here I am can have my is yours.

That day, is the day that changes you forever.... there will be other days that come along that try to distract you and drag you back to your old way of life, but God holds us and loves us and His love will never let us go.
(well His love has never let me go at least - even when I have stuffed things up pretty badly)

I think it is important to recapture the thrill of that remember what God started in us He will finish in us also...

Christianity and church for many has become a ritual and an obligation or duty and it was never meant to be like is a living vibrant active relationship with God and me (us)  and as such should always be fresh and alive and if we pay our part in that relationship He will certainly do His part in that relationship also.

If you are bored by church..... walking away from God and His people, can I remind you and encourage you  to revisit in your mind that day you first believed and accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

Can I suggest that it might be time to revitalize your own commitment to Him while He awaits you, ready to fill you afresh today, right now even.

and if you have never actually Run to the Father before...what a great time to get up out if your seat, and take that first step today...

If you want some help with that Private Message me....I can chat our way through that.

Jesus...what a Saviour.
Jesus ...My redeemer..
Jesus best mate...

take a listen to this amazing song as you consider these words and get up and run to him...again ....

            ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....... Bless YOU !
                                                He is calling your name.


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