Make sure the Water is in the Pool :

Sometimes life/ministry/leadership just dishes up some disappointing results doesn't it ? Sometimes its others letting you down, and at other times its all because of the choices or mistakes you made along the way. Make sure the water is in the pool before you go diving in !!!! We all know what would happen to us if we dived into an empty would not be a very good or pleasant result. Yet many in this world do just that with decisions and choices along their journey, and then when they suffer the consequences of their choices, its everyone elses fault or they try to justify their position. Here's a may have been better to see if the water was in the pool before you dived in, hey ? As I was praying this morning, I had one of those moments when I felt God speaking to me about this subject.... not about belly flopping, or diving into something over my head, or failing to see what lays before me as I make my choices... or even seeing if...