
Showing posts from October, 2012

Make sure the Water is in the Pool :

Sometimes life/ministry/leadership just dishes up some disappointing results doesn't it ? Sometimes its others letting you down, and at other times its all because of the choices or mistakes you made along the way. Make sure the water is in the pool before you go diving in !!!! We all know what would happen to us if we dived into an empty would not be a very good or pleasant result. Yet many in this world do just that with decisions and choices along their journey, and then when they suffer the consequences of their choices, its everyone elses fault or they try to justify their position.   Here's a may have been better to see if the water was in the pool before you dived in, hey ? As I was praying this morning, I had one of those moments when I felt God speaking to me about this subject.... not about belly flopping, or diving into something over my head, or failing to see what lays before me as I make my choices... or even seeing if

6 reminders for every leader/officer/pastor...

Someone said the other day that if their new Officer wasn't going to "pastor" them, then they were going to leave their church. It reminded me that sometimes, people are fickle....  some are so demanding, others are quite passive, others are downright rude, and others just go with the flow. Being an Officer/Pastor has its challenges, I will probably never live up to everyones expectations, and will no doubt dissappoint many along the way.  Sorry to those who I have already disappointed...... :( But I will always do my very best at what I do.  Always.  !!!!   You will never get a half hearted , half baked effort from me. I think there are many Officers and Pastors who would like to remind some of the fickle people along the way of their own responsibilties also. It's all well and good for the people to demand their "rights" as sheep..... the right to be pastored and shepherded....  the right to hear great preaching, to get the worship style perfect

7 Resources every Officer has at their disposal

I have started reading again,a book that impacted me many years ago, it is one of my prized books in my library, and I want to share with you,  some "nuggets", "gold" ministry tools that every Pastor or Officer should remember in ministry. there are 7 resources that every Officer has at his or her disposal, right within his or her own reach.... Resource 1 : Every Congregation is Unique . Using a church's uniqueness is an important factor in developing a flourishing ministry. God gives uniqueness to a church to achieve His purposes. He has created your church. Look for your uniqueness, what makes your corps/church unique ?  Nail it then in that area, specialize in it, it is your God given uniqueness, ordained by Him.... and go for it. Resource 2: Every Congregation responds to a Pastors / Officers Love: Congregations seldom thrive without an Officers love. The sheep grow restless without an attentive shepherd. This love is the God given love, the

This week (part 2)

its all out in the open now, we will be the new Corps Officers of the Ringwood corps in Eastern Victoria. personally I am pretty pumped about it. Not sure how everyone in Ringwood is feeling, hopefully ok. I have been humbled by some of the responses of the Craigieburn folk, and now after 12 years, its time to move on. On Christmas Day December 2000 our little family arrived here, starting a small holiday before a fairly traumatic beginning to S3064. we enjoyed Christmas with Julie's family in our new home and then started unpacking. At the end of that year we hadn't achieved much, a small group of people had joined us, but the ministry and work of TSA had begun in Craigieburn, and now 12 years later it is one of the largest Corps in Melbourne Central Division. (being careful here about pride) But it is satisfying that after all these years there are results. and they are mostly good results. There is a good strong leadership team in place. we have an awesome worship and min

This week...

This is a very big week, and tomorrow it will be evident why ... as hundreds of Salvo Officers in our territory are notified of where they will be serving Jesus in 2013. We will let you know what is happening with us when the time is right ... (which is 1.00pm Thursday Oct 11th , 2012 AEDST) ********************************************************************************** God has been speaking to my heart his week though, and it has been very special for me. The other night I was walking around the block on my normal walking routine, and I heard the still small voice of the Lord speak into my heart about what I was to do in 2013 and who I was to Minister to.  I became overwhelmed with emotion as I pondered that thought, and allowed God to just speak into my spirit very deeply in those precious few moments on the streets of Craigieburn. I (& Julie) have been ministering in Craigieburn for 12 years now and so whatever this week brings will be interesting indeed for us, even

My New Routine ...

I don't think I am fat, but I feel the need to adjust my lifestyle and eating habits and exercise routines. This is all a bit personal, really, but I am a transparent leader, so I usually allow things about me to be in the open, when I can. Recently I have weighed 76. 5kgs, and over the past 3 weeks after having started the change, have now dropped down to 74.1kgs. here's whats happening ( a bit of a follow on to the heart doctor visit)................... changed eating habits... no more sweet things (at least for a while), no more junk food,  ( for a while) and I started the Gym for the first time today. I have been walking everyday with Mel, my daughter, for  around a month or so now, 4.5kms most days, and the goal is to crank that up in speed and time. The Goal ? is to lose another 4.1kgs.  Hopefully by December 2012, and then keep it off. why ? to feel healthier, and ensure that my body is a clean and a healthy temple for God to be able to use, for a long