Bruised in the Battle

When I became an Officer in the Salvation Army I never really understood the extents that the enemy would go to beat me up and try and cause me to give up. Let me go back, I remember well, sitting in the seats of the old Perth Fortress and listening week in and week out to the truth of the gospel. Many times I found myself responding to God in surrender, repentance and confession, and many times I was forgiven and restored, still am. I will always be grateful for faithful and courageous Officers and Leaders who inspired me, challenged me and showed me what it meant to be true to Jesus. One day, in those days, that seems like, " forever ago...", I distinctly heard my name being called to go into ministry as an Officer in TSA and I said yes and have given it my best shot for 20 years now. But if you had told me that I would be constantly beat up by the devils attempts at my life, by the temptations and criticisms, and complaints and "stuff" that an Officer must...