
Showing posts from October, 2011

the latest... Hot potato.. Hot potato !!!!!

Make a statement about  homosexuality and watch the darts fly. I did it on Facebook this week and things went a bit berserk. I wonder why it is such a hot potato ? and yet  we don't seem to get any where near riled up about some other significant issues... and other issues its just simply very clear. would we allow a pedophile to be a leader in kids church...hardly... anyway, it's not the biggest issue in my life, its just that I cant believe that some churches are allowing a compromise to begin  in what is right or what is wrong in leadership of the greatest thing God is doing on the planet. I think God allows us to work it out, to see how we are going to handle issues such as these and which side of the fence we are going to sit...what is right, what is wrong, what choices we are making for Him and how strong we will stand for Him and what will move us and what won't . ! I also think that God wants us to work it out,  what are our life values...what is it we

The 2 sided Coin....a prophecy and vision.

There are two sides to every coin.. . on both sides there is an imprint, a very clear marking which identifies what the coin is, and who it belongs to, and its value. The coin is always imprinted on both sides, usually with the value on one side and the governance(the nation) on the other. It's a been a very interesting week ....for me personally, with some pretty big wake up calls about what we as a church have achieved this year and what we haven't.  I was sharing my personal frustration with one of my Leadership Growth Partners the other day (Captain Kevin Lumb) and he,the good officer he is, listened... and then started to prophesy into my life, I want to share this prophecy here and also the Vision that has come out of it for my own life and for our church. How this started is that we were investigating our spiritual activity in our church over the past year for a new program we are about to start and we discovered some alarming stats that show we have been busy

I am not finished with just yet.

Nothing makes Satan so fearful as a Christian who understands the power of prayer. Some time ago Brother Andrew wrote a book on prayer, entitled "And God changed His Mind because His people dared to ask." Abraham dared to ask and in response God was willing to change His mind. "For the sake of ten I will not destroy it." (Sodom and Gomorrah) Six times Abraham had prayed for the salvation of the people in those cities. What a pity he stopped at ten. Who knows what might have happened had Abraham gone on? Ungodly men and women in sinful cities do not realize how much they owe to the presence of God's people in their midst. Godly people are too often unaware of their enormous responsibility to pray for a wicked world. Abraham was aware - and prayed. Let us plead with God for a breakthrough in countries where His presence is not allowed.(including our own where peopel seem to not allow God to be active in their lives) Let us also hold on to God when praying