
Showing posts from July, 2012


It's Monday, and I have been struggling with Monday-Itis... you know, a  Sunday hangover..? well Yesterday was such a huge day... it may not be huge in comparison to other churches, but we don't compare ourselves to other churches,  we just compare ourselves with ourselves... you know, how we have been going lately and in relation to the same time last year etc. so yesterday , there was 90 in our morning service and a further 50 in our afternoon youth church service. that's not bad for us, in  the middle of winter in Melbourne. We had around 45 people respond to the Lord Jesus after the message in the morning service and that was awesome to just see hand after hand being raised in relation to the prayer call. I always get tired out after a day like that, but its what I live for. I live to see people respond in faith to Jesus Christ Yesterdays message can be heard at : and we would encourage you to take a listen. its all about

I am believing....

I'm believing.... believing that God hasn't finished with the Salvation Army. believing that what we see God do in other churches, that He will do in ours also believing that we will rise up and be the Army of Salvation...and thousands will be added to the kingdom     as a result believing that you don't need to go some place else to see God, you can see Him and feel Him and experience Him right here in our Salvo Corps believing that our very best days are still ahead of us. believing that God has a place for me in this Army believing that God Called me IN...and IN is where I am staying. I believe that the Holy Spirit is about to pour out amazing power in the Salvation Army in Australia, and frankly, I just want to be positioned and ready to be used by Him at that moment when He chooses to go "whammo" amongst us.  bring it on Lord Jesus. I put this as my status today,on Facebook.... here's why.. I am sad that many of the Salv

Beating your Goliaths...

Based on the message from today's sermon at S3064 church, is the content of this post. And my latest blog.. When David met Goliath in that battle zone all those years ago, its not just a story relegated to history, in my opinion. There are some fundamental principles we can learn from and apply to our lives.  I like how Joyce Meyer puts it, when she said that we need to not look at how big and gruesome is Goliath, but rather remind him of how greater our God is. Whatever your Goliath issues are in life today, you need to face them with the knowledge and confidence that God is greater still than any Goliath in your life. David took a small smooth stone and placed it into his slingshot...and shot it at the giant... We can understand that the small smooth stone for us, is our prayers... we place them in our slingshot of faith, and shoot them up at our giant issues, problems , difficulties and blockages and watch our Goliath fall. I believe that the historical accounts of

Learned Lessons...

I am learning new things every day it seems. here's some of what I have learned this week... it doesn't matter how hard you try, you just cant please everybody. stuff will happen, whats important is how you handle, respond to the stuff. when you least expect it, Satan will try and trip you up. Loraine plays cello !!!??? ............................................................................. there are some great books out there,  reading one at the moment: (the truth about leadership) here's what I have learned ...  the top  3 characteristics of an Admired leader: 1.Honesty 2.Visionary 3.Inspiring if you don't believe in the messenger then you wont believe the message. My framework values for leading and living are : my top 5. 1. Honesty 2. Work Hard and Work Smart 3. Jesus is coming 4. Teamwork 5. Everything depends upon leadership. Psalm 139  I am fearfully and wonderfully made                      

Do you ever get Angry ?

Anger... a bad thing, ?  maybe, but maybe also a good thing ... ??? I am a bit angry right now... I feel like I have been served up some stuff that I don't deserve, been shortchanged, shafted .  (I am not the only one to feel it at the moment) Injustice makes me angry. other things make me angry and I realise that they shouldn't, but sometimes I feel just and right (like now) that my anger is rightfully placed. sometimes people around you just don't get it , do they ? they say they are on your side, but really they are not. They are secretly shafting you,  and everything you have worked so hard to build, is up for grabs. Well in some cases the writing is definitely on the wall................ and time will tell....     friends.. .              "time always tells". here's the deal....  I have done everything I can to set up some pretty neat concepts for the future. I am pretty sure, no one else has ever done that before. Some hav