
Showing posts from December, 2015

Heart Surgery ( A MUST READ a bit personal this one)

Yesterday I visited a good friend of mine who has just had open heart surgery, a quadruple bypass actually, a big deal. He has come through really well and I hope he doesn't mind me mentioning him here but it was a good time together in the hospital as we just chatted. What I wanted to say about this was that he is all hooked up to the monitors and tubes and stuff, and it is gently ticking over his heart rate speeds etc, but when we started to pray the monitor went off the charts , bells started ringing, the nurse came running in, I kept on praying, and it all settled, the bells went off, but it occurred to me thats what should happen in our hearts when we start talking with Jesus... our heart should leap ! Jesus is our destiny, He is our hope, He is our reason for our everything. .......................................................... I have been going through a pretty rough time recently, personally, a number of worries and burdens and issues and it has taken me close to th