
Showing posts from April, 2017

This is sure to offend someone...( and I am not that sorry about it)

In my quiet time this morning, as I sit quietly and reflect upon my life and what I see and sense around me these days, I must confess I have some concerns ...things that worry me, even frighten me. I apologise if this blog offends you, but I guess if you dont want to be offended you could always stop reading right now and go away ...(lol).  That's up to you...  !!!! I sit in my prayer room, looking at my books, many of which have changed my view on life and ministry...people who have gone before me, people wiser than I am, with loads of experience in leading church and changing church for the Kingdom of Gods sake. I want my life to count for something, that when I die, that I might have made a difference to something, someone ..somewhere.  I tried to write a book, but never got it finished.... and my life is heading towards its end, 57 years of age, I may have 30 years left in me, at best. Life is short there are rumors of war and some crazy bloke up north who wants to ann

Being a Significant leader.

I haven't blogged for a little while and I thought I would just jot down some thoughts today that are going through my head. These thoughts arise out of a busy week...with a mixture of great stuff as well as some not so great stuff, which is what it is like in ministry and has been for the past 22 years or so. As I conclude my quiet time today I am drawn to think about a good friend of mine who is involved in a significant ministry and is making some key differecnes to those around him. In fact his future ministry is looking very exciting and he will end up being a world changer for some people who need a change in their world. (For Jesus that is ) It leads me to think about what is " A Significant Ministry ".. what does it mean to be a man or woman of significance ? Well in man's eyes, we make judgements on this very issue all the time, I am not sure how we come to some conclusions around whether a person is significant or not, but I do know this, anyone who