My Thoughts on The Salvation Army in Australia right now

These are very interesting days in The Salvation Army in Australia. Some, I have heard, are struggling with the changes, and whilst I get that, because change isn't at all easy for any of us at times, it nevertheless is critical to our ongoing viability as a movement of God. As soon as I start writing my thoughts and feelings here, one way or the other, I know that it will alienate a group of people, and that isn't my intent. So if that is you, I apologise, but would you please just read on and try and see what I am getting at. I have been a Salvo all my life, I was born into it...I am currently 57 years of age, so that means I have been a Salvo for 57 years. When I was around 15 years I became a Soldier to go into uniform and play in the band at Perth Fortress. A lot of us did that, and it was a ritual for some of us, a means to an end. A way of conformity if you like. As my life went through my teen years, I was involved in the same ...