
Presently I am being frustrated by a number of things. In many ways it is super hard to articulate it, as it will offend some potential readers of my blog. I don’t actually want to hurt anyone, but the truth is the truth and a lot of people these days cant seem to handle the truth anymore. Or the truth has been so far distorted that no one really knows what is truth or not anymore. Reading various opinions, comments on Facebook shows me that many, and specifically Christians, seem to be ready to fight over some pretty minor issues. Also some fairly unbiblical issues. I know the moment I open my mouth or write something here, I will be labeled this or that, and if I land on the opposite side of the argument ...then all heaven break loose, or should I say all hell break loose. So I am going to say it this way.... the Bible is pretty clear what it is going to look like at the end.... and we can clearly see the world spiraling into some crazy stuff that the Bible has be...