Episode 8.

You know, I am well aware that I have a lot to say on Facebook and here on my blog, and in some ways I apologise for that, but in other ways, I sense that God has called me to be a person of influence for HIM, in these ways and in other ways. This morning in my sacred space, I watched episode 8 of “ Faith Runs Deep” by Olive Tree Media and Karl and Jane. ( I am learning to love those 2..) anyway…it was all about Chaplains. So..if you are a chaplain or aspire to be one, you need to watch episode 8….and do it quickly. In my role as the Senior Chaplain for Ambulance Victoria I work alongside some amazing people who do extraordinary work and face unfathomable situations…. Most of us would never know about. Or for that matter want to know about. I also lead a bunch of people(chaplains) who have stepped up into the role of supporting these people. It is a privileged role and it is a privileged position, and I for one have no idea why any group would ever stop caring for people in ...