
It’s Sunday morning, Its raining and cold in Melbourne. I went to church last night, which is my usual practice these days, so that I can enjoy downtime and a quieter Sunday morning. After years and years of busy Sundays, it is nice to sit and be quiet and reflect and be renewed in my spirit. Today I switched on the TV and watched some Christian worship media. Michael W Smith led the worship and it was super special touching my heart and mind. The song Waymaker, which has become a favorite of mine during Covid , was being used…and the visuals behind the song reminded me of what he have just come through. We who are still alive have weathered a huge storm. We have come through a pandemic, which hasn’t yet petered out. It reminded me of the harsh times we endured in Melbourne, 5km limits of movement, working from home, masks, no touching others, forced vaccinations ….and much more. I am not criticizing it, just stating it. I remember when I contracted Covid, early on I w...