The Alone ...Me. (part 1)

Firstly, I don't want any pity... Or sympathy....these are just my thoughts and what Is happening in me at the moment.

Julie went away for 2 months a couple of nights ago and I am alone.... The girls are here, yes, but ultimately I am alone. No other staff helping me, and no right hand person, best friend alongside me, for a little while.

We have been married 30 years. And never been apart as long as we are about to be.

What I am learning...

I am very busy.
I miss her already.


The biggy...

Is God wants my attention.

I am being tested...( failed so far )

My devotion and focus is on myself, not Him. That has to change. And will.

He has placed things into my life and allowed other things into my life to test me and see what is happening in my heart.... For that to happen best, I need to be alone.

Just He and me.

I am praying and hoping I will win, succeed and pass the test. Eventually.

He has drawn me back to some basic truths, some old books that He used in my early Christian life to captivate my imagination, He is reinforcing in me and asking me the big questions.

And it's only been a few days so far...and already the heat is on....

So today I am going to try a few things that will help me to win....

In my aloneness, I am never really one ever really is, when they have Jesus. But the big question for me, and maybe you.... Is...

When there is limited other human support and resource, is Jesus, really enough for me/you ?

Or do we rely too much upon other humans ? I think this is my big test.

I pray I pass it.

So far, not so good....

Today I intend to change a few things to help me to do better tomorrow.


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