
its been a good day, I have picked a few things today which have helped me.

I do feel blessed, I am having various random moments where I become overcome with emotion, as I sense the Holy Spirit touch my heart. not all the time, but at random moments as people are speaking,i am hearing God and feeling His hand upon my heart, I love it when the Lord does that.

God has called me, chosen me for a task that, at times..i just dont get it.

I am not fearful of my future, I guess I am just getting curious now.

I very much sense something happening inside my soul, cant quite put my finger on it, but it is happening, i just know.

some interesting things happened today which were intimidating but also affirming in some ways for me, and I am not thinking too much about it, but its hard to figure what God is saying sometimes....its important I think, to not clutch at straws...or make something of nothing...but then i think its also important, to not make nothing of something.

so I will just pray it through and see what happens next..

its been a good day and tonight its Moments of Grace time...where everyone shares their short version of their story with each other.

todays good take away.... "every Christ follower has moments of perfection/holiness"

its my aim and hope to have many of these kinds of moments.


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