
Today has been the best day by far, I felt God tug at my heart today, and as He did He ministered very deeply into my spirit, I was, and am, overwhelmed by His love and grace shown to me. I feel I don't deserve anything that he gives like this, but am ever so grateful for HIs loving and gentle touch upon me.

I do not know why anyone would choose to be away from Him.

some of the thoughts from today...

Holiness isn't just for some elite few at the top... everyone is called to be holy.

God is making a Christlike version of all of us.

God breaks the power of sin in us..

My sinful nature does not have to rule me anymore, Christ's act upon the cross defeated that.

If I live in Christ, the power of sin is once and for all dealt with.

To be like Jesus, this hope possess me, in every thought and deed, this is my aim, my creed.

I have been washed by the blood of the Lamb of God, I am as white as snow on the inside.

My future is secure in HIM.


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