
Brengle reflections:

The overwhelming sense in my spirit is the cry of my heart to

"keep me near the cross"

It is my prayer and hope to dwell and tarry near the its shadow, in the power in which it symbolizes.

That my life was purchased and redeemed there.

I am saved, by what Jesus did for me there.

It's safe there.

(Thankyou Father)

today we had a few sessions: but by far the most significant session for us all, well, for me anyway, was the concert of prayer we shared earlier today.

It was in this session that God drew very close to me and reminded me of who I am in Him and what He requires of me... which is to stay close to the cross.

my thoughts on that are:

- away from the cross I become distracted and temptations become stronger, even over powering.

- when I am away from the cross, I tend to do things my way instead of His way.

- when I am near the cross, I am focussed, things are much clearer there.

- the closer I am to the cross, the more evident the power is in within me and through me.

- the cross is my home, I belong there, I am not on holidays at the cross, I need to live there.

- I don't want to be a casual observer of the events of the cross, but rather, a willing and active participant in it's message, it's hope, its power, it's truth, and it's peace.


tomorrow is the last day of Brengle 2012.... a bit sad really, its been such an amazing time of refreshing and renewal in me, but there is work to be done and I am required at home...


I pray that the newness/freshness, in me, will continue at home and at Craigieburn Salvos and beyond.


One final comment:

I don't know whether anyone in Salvo Army leadership ever reads my blog, but if you do....this is for you.

Thank-you for the gift of "Brengle" to the Officers in Australia. I am aware that this must have implications of budget and cost and I just want to say thank-you for the investment and gift of this 9 days has been for me.

I seriously have been renewed, and refreshed, and tomorrow when I renew my covenant, I will do so with a sincere heart attitude .

Thank you !


  1. That's a beautiful offering of thanks Gary. Hello by the way! not in salvo leadership- well that kind anyway....but do follow many of the things you say! scary..... Hope your day tomorrow is truly meaningful and poignant. Also hope and pray that Craigieburn is profoundly impacted by your time at Brengle. Much love to you and your family, Michelle KBx


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