Offence ! Exasperation ! Purpose !

Mark 6:1-6

New International Version (NIV)

A Prophet Without Honor

Jesus left there and went to his hometown, accompanied by his disciples. When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed.
“Where did this man get these things?” they asked. “What’s this wisdom that has been given him? What are these remarkable miracles he is performing? Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph,[a] Judas and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him.
Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.” He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. 6 He was amazed at their lack of faith.

it might help you, or be a  pain in the neck to you, but you can listen to a message I recently preached on this.. you can listen in at this site...

I wonder why it is we are so worried ( as Christian Leaders) about offending people, offending society, offending the movement ?  It really worries me and challenges me that we should be more concerned about offending God. 

Like Billy Graham's quote above... in an effort to keep the peace with everyone,. most often at times, all we really do is offend God.

the question therefore  should be or could be, 

who is it we would prefer to offend ?  Humanity ? Our churches ? Our community ?  or God ?

obviously , I think, most of us, would like to offend no-one, 
not humans or God, 

but in some cases by trying to please one, we by default, offend the other.

We dont try to, but it seems that no matter what you do, you will eventually offend someone, the real question is, who will it end up being ?

As a Christian Leader, I have found, you most often walk on this very thin tightrope of being politically correct, and, an even thinner tightrope is, of being theologically correct for the Bible scholars and critics.

You could easily throw your hands up in exasperation, and say its all too hard, and I think I will go back to what I used to do,  and thats exactly what the devil would have us do.

So instead of offending people, we become exasperated, we choose to not live out our purpose.

Have you ever wondered, what actually does offend God ?  Do you even care ? 

I think when we call something ok, what God says isnt,  when we water down biblical truth, when we doubt the wonder working power, when we say stuff, like, God doesnt do that anymore.... when we discredit the Holy Spirit, when we behave in a fashion that limits the Spirits power around and within us...

everytime we say or think or behave like that, we Offend Him.

May I remind you ( and myself)  that nothing is impossible for Him . !!!!   

Let me help you think through what that might look like...

when we say or think God cant heal, forgive, redeem, release, empower, equip... anyone ?
when we say or think that something isnt important and we are too busy for it ?
when we say or think God doesnt do things like that anymore ...

Seriously, nothing is too hard for Him, we need to get back to a few basics and start believing and living in faith again.

every person on the planet has choice...

we can choose to believe
we can choose to not believe.

we can choose to ignore the call of God on our lives.
we can choose to walk away from that call.

we can choose to live offended.
we can choose to live exasperated.

we can choose to live out purpose.

we can choose how much we will love God.
we can even choose to not love Him at all. 

we can choose to go to church and get involved. 
we can choose to live on the fringe and play games with church (and God).

we can choose which church to attend.
we can choose to not go to church at all.

we can choose to go to heaven.
we can choose to not go to heaven.

we can choose who we will spend our lives with on earth.
we can choose to be a friend or an enemy of others.

So... like the people of Jesus' day, as recorded in Mark 6..... offended by Him,  they were amazed at Him, but He was amazed by their lack of faith. 
 These people chose a certain response to Jesus... we can as well.

who are you ? 
what are you choosing for your life these days ?

I encourage you to choose Jesus WHOLEHEARTEDLY.... 
Be completely sold out on Him, not half baked, or compromised, or weak and have insipid spirituality without any depth or meaning or substance.

I encourage you to raise the bar in your life.
I encourage you to get back to the basics of faith. 
Live out your life in the purposes of God.

there is nothing better you could do with your life for eternity than that.

& if you are already pumped and pumping for Jesus Christ ?  
then go harder still, there is much to do and not that many who want to be involved in doing it.

May He bless you today !!!




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