Motion Sickness

Where am I headed, and what are the great questions that will challenge me along the way?

What kind of a person am I becoming as a result of this journey?

What does God expect of me as I run the race?

What have I been equipped to accomplish?

What can I give?

I can’t live with Alice’s perspective on the journey: “I don’t much care where . . .” But I do aspire to Merton’s: ask me what I’m living for, and ask me what gets in the way.


I am currently ploughing my way through the book, " The Resilient Life", by Gordon MacDonald. It's a great book...It is a book that has sat on my shelf, and in the "not yet read" category.

and boy am I glad I am reading it now, its really helping me.

The above questions/statements are from Chapter 6, and they are amazing questions and I strongly suggest that all leaders read this book. You can get it from Amazon Kindle for around $10... as an EBook.


I reckon one of the biggest issues facing Christians today is these unanswered questions.

It may just also be the biggest deal with the modern church (TSA).

I mean, think about it, if we were to honestly answer those questions for our lives and for our churches and corps, things might start changing in how we go about our business.


For too long, too many have just been going through the motions.

If you go through the "motions" for too long you start wearing a "rut" into the road.

When you are stuck in a rut ( an open ended grave) you cant get out, unless there is an intervention.

An interuption to the "motion".


Our TSA churches need some of these interventions. Some of these interuptions to our motion sickness.


So here's a little test... ( see if this applies to you and your church)


1. Are we seeing people discipled and saved in our churches every week ? When was the last person saved (born again) in your church ?


2. Are we more excited about our "program" and people attending to be entertained, than what we are attending worship and "really" connecting with Jesus ? ( A good test of this, is how many are attending prayer meetings vs how many attend concerts )


3. How is the journey I live, shaping me for Heaven ?


4. Am I just going through the "motions" ?


well if you are honest, you will see what must change in your life and what needs to be strengthened and what needs to be discarded, as well as what must grow, and be nurtured.

you may need to start attending a small group, join in on prayer meetings, start living a holy life, and start placing God in priority over "whatever else" currently sits in His place . ( be brave... be honest... what is in the way ?)


I do. Need to make some adjustments that is. Most likely, we all do.


I need to tweak my life. My Ministry. My leadership. My personal life. My personal holiness.


I dont want have motion sickness.


as a new year approaches, it's a great opportunity to start again. a clean and clear slate.


I am unsure of how things sit for you. You know how much praying you do in your quiet time. How much reading and growing in His Word you do. How much personal worship you get your self into. You know all there is to know about yourself. God knows it too. You can choose to stay the same and just go through the motions again in 2015, or you can choose to tweak and adjust.

One thing I am dead set certain of.... everyone who surrenders and submits to the Lordship of Jesus in their life is never left in a rut, or stuck in motion sickness.

Jesus is our life ! He is the intervention and interuption we all need.


May He bless you in this last day of 2014, and awaken you to new things in the new year of 2015.



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